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Dear Pony Club Supporters,
My name is Andrea Young. I'm a fellow horse lover and an award-winning USEF Certified Trainer who has just written a well-received book of fiction picked by United for Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, as "a great read and the perfect book for Mother-Daughter book clubs."   
(Read more reviews here!)


My stable, Elvenstar Riding Academy, in Moorpark Ca., is starting its first chapter of Pony club and we are very excited to become a part of this great tradition.


I'd like to help support the cause so if you purchase a book using the link from this page, 100% of the profit from each book will go directly to Pony Club and it's wonderful programs! 

Support Pony Club and read a good book too! 

You can read an excerpt of the book HERE!

Thank you for your support! 

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